Killing You Softly!
This video is an animation of the dangers and effects to respiratory system by smoking.
Ex-Health Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Chua Jui Meng, said during his speech at the Grand Opening of H.S.C Medical Centre, that more than 10,000 Malaysians died from smoking-related illnesses every year and 30% of those above the age of 30 suffer from up to 40 kinds of illnesses which include heart problems and 57 types of cancer. He also mentioned that according to World Health Organization (WHO) report, more than 100,000 youths started smoking daily. In Malaysia, government has take a lot of actions to aware people about this death candy such as
'Tak Nak Merokok Campaign' (Say No to Cigarettes),produced advertisements on printed and electronic media
I had a conversation with my ex-housemate about this thing. The conversation goes like this:
Me: I'm out to shop.
Friend: Can you get me a pack of cigarette.
Ok.. I made up this conversation.. hahaha!!
As a conclusion, smoking cause death. Therefore, the only option you have is to quit. Choose to live! Don't let the fear of smoking and the disease take over your life. You can visit this page (people die from smoking/ to learn more about this issue.
P/S: I wish to credit Youtube, Yahoo, ITIM site, Cancerinstitute NSW site and my sister in Malaysia, Tun Husna for the videos and images used here.
It's pretty bad that all the campaigns are useless and the demand of tobacco products is inelastic. People keep buying them no matter what the prices are.
If you want to quit smoking, it is a smart thing to get as much help and support as you can xx
I have to say, you really make the most effort out of making your blog captivating to readers! I am both shocked and repelled by the photos.
Here are some constructive comments:
I read a news ARTICLE ENtitled Anti-Smoking Advice at Funeral at Yahoo website. The news WAS about a life-long smoker, Albert Whittamore also known as Dick, WHO died last month at THE age of 85, after suffering from emphysema - A progressive disease of the lung that primarily causes shortness of breath.
Dick BLAMED the disease ON his smoking habit. His dying wish was honoured when he had the words "Smoking Killed Me" placed on signs in his hearse. HE wanted to warn people about the dangerous of smoking.
Awesome work, Tun!
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